Sunday, October 28, 2012

Winter Water,

More pictures from Grand Bend. Met this lovely couple on the beach and had a wonderful chat about my love for photography and future. They were so cute and really inspired me to follow my dreams. Cant wait for my photography classes to start at school.

A Beautiful Maybe, <3

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Fields of Fall,

Favourite time of year other than rainy days like today. These edited photos are from the drive down to Grand Bend on the Thanksgiving weekend. It was an overcast drippy day so some of the photos turned out really cool with a little touch up. I love all the colours of the trees too.

A Beautiful Maybe, <3

Monday, October 22, 2012

Zombie Walk

Some of my favourites from the 10th annual Toronto Zombie walk from Saturday Oct. 20th. The make and effort that people put into these costumes are amazing! My buddy Chris and I when as Zombie cowboys as a last minute idea after looking around Dollarama.

A Beautiful Maybe, <3