Tuesday, January 1, 2013

365 Photo Project,

This is on the top of my New Year resolution list and I really plan to stick to it. I bought myself a cute little Rebel T3 and I plan to have that baby on me at all times. I think the easiest way to share my project is to have a Flickr account where I upload and store all the photos. Not only will it keep me organized but it is a public site where everyone else can access and check out my work.

I thought I would share my first picture and Im sure I will post my favourites up here ever few days just so I keep at it. I chose to keep the first one simple but yet it has lots of meaning to me. Not only is this little stinky fur ball my rock, she is my everything. She is the reason I wake up and the one who keeps me company when Im sick or lonely. She is always there and she means the world to me. I took this with my Rebel T3 and with my new 50mm portrait lens, which I might add I love!

A Beautiful Maybe, <3

1 comment:

Thanks for the love! Follow me and come back soon!! <3